Friday, January 30, 2009

What a not-so-long but very strange trip it has been...

What an interesting process this liver cleanse has been. I started the cleanse back on the 19th and didn't notice anything the first few days but then really was fatigued beyond belief for a good four days. Following this were signs of sickness, headaches and sore throat. Unfortunately that led to my news yesterday of strep throat. Ugh. Major setback. Let's not forget the skin breakout I have seen on my face too, good grief, not really that bad but I am not used to having that happen in general.

So, now that I had to start my antibiotic this morning for the strep throat, I called the company for the cleanse to see if I should discontinue it. They said it would not be harmful to continue the cleanse, but that the cleanse would be more beneficial if I stopped now and continued after the antibiotic is done. Such a drag. I don't have time for weakness! In all seriousness I feel bad in terms of having a sore throat and being a little tired but I had every intention of exercising tonight since I wasn't up for it the last four days. A friend told me this should wait a little longer, so I decided maybe that is true. Sometimes I feel better, or think I feel better than what my body is actually ready for. So tonight I will rest. I want to be productive but instead, I am doing the bath, read a book and tea evening. Tomorrow, it is into work for more mandatory overtime. That is not part of my wellness program! But job stability and overtime pay is certainly not on my list of complaints.

So what have I learned from this experience...well, not to take my health for granted. When I went into the cleanse, I felt fantastic. I was feeling perfectly unstoppable. But the detox cleanse is pulling toxins out, and inevitably will be breaking you down. So instead of taking it for granted, I should have braced myself better by eating perfectly and taking my multi vitamin every day, and for sure getting better sleep. In addition, I learned from my friend who gave me the cleanse that there are two very important things with this type of cleanse....the first, of course is a lot of water, lots. I knew that part, but the second, she reminded me of is that it is really important to get sufficient amounts of fiber in your diet during those days. The toxins are actually absorbed by the fiber and get pulled out of your system more efficiently that way. I had not been doing that the first week and I am certain this was one of my downfalls.

So when I am done with the life sucking antibiotics that I must take, I will give myself a day or two inbetween and then I put my game face on go in for the finish of the detox cleanse. I am ready, bring it on!! You evil toxins can't bring me down! Well, apparently they already did, but it won't happen again hopefully. Well, that is all for now, gotta get better.

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