Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dreary days do not bring out the motivation in me..!

It is Saturday if it weren't hard enough that it is saturday morning cartoon time but Breanna isn't here. But it is pouring rain and gray out. I had planned on joining my new running group this morning, but considering I am not directly inside a training season for a half, I am not about to submit myself to the outside elements with the likes of what I am seeing out there. And trust me, I have emerged from the worst weather conditions with all runs completed, it is always possible, but in off season, I let myself off the hook.

This morning I let myself sleep in after seeing the and hearing the dreadful precipitation out there. Then I woke up and made myself breakfast. I made two scrambled eggs with some broccoli. Then I toasted two pieces of ezekiel bread and spread hummus on one piece and melted soy cheddar imitation cheese on the other, to complete a little breakfast sandwich. On the side I had a small cup of vanilla low fat yogurt with some cut strawberries and blueberries with a sprinkling of granola. Of course a cup of flavored coffee was brewed up to complete my breakfast. I had my probiotic this morning when I woke up, as well as a cup of water with two ounces of aloe vera juice. These are part of the daily things I am doing per my nutritional experiment through my reading. Actually the aloe vera juice was a suggestion from a woman at the Whole Foods Market in Troy, but I have since read about its benefits.

I am considering doing a "natural cleansing" for my gallbladder. I have done a ton of reading and there are a lot out there, but most have a lot of common elements. The idea is that you are eating certain things that have components in them that help to "soften" the stones so that they are able to exit without the sharpening and potential painful or dangerous effects. Apples and apple juice are one such component. I am still thinking this through. If I don't do it, or if I do it and it doesn't work...I might have to seriously consider getting the gallbladder out. It will only continue to be diseased and cause bigger problems. I don't want liver problems or pancreatic problems, and that is how deep it can go. I wish I could have known about it before it became stones...but there just would have been no way of knowing that.

Tough decisions. This whole gallbladder issue. But whatever decision I come to will be an informed one and I work on it constantly. Today it looks like I will be doing a short run on the ol' treadmill (poor ed and nancy downstairs won't be getting a break from me today afterall!) and some light weights. One of my biggest drives is my arms. I really want better toned arms. I really never have had anything close to that but I have never really tried with that. And I think once I start to see signs of it happening it will be a done deal - I will be hooked on seeing the results and it will make it a no brainer to keep working hard.

This week's new recipes I am going to try are a gingered squash soup ( i only have to buy 2 ingredients!) and a healthy blueberry muffins recipe. both are things I think bree would be willing to at least try. The muffins are great for her in the morning too, if we are in a hurry it is done and ready for her to eat if I need to get ready. These recipes were copied from the "cook right 4 your type" by Dr. D'Adamo. I still need to plan out the whole week's food other than that. This whole endeavor (which I have really been slowly reading and intrigued by for the last whole year) has made me realize just how much processed foods I have been eating...oh my goodness. I had no idea how bad just regular spaghetti sauce is. I will have to alter that habit down the road, I just don't have time to tackle everything at once! But I know for a fact that Dr. Oz has a simple and cheap alternative to buying jarred spaghetti sauce, it is just a matter of looking it up and doing it.

So my concerns for today are that I can somehow maintain wise choices this evening. I am going out with girls to the dollar theatre and a bite to eat. It should be a cheap evening as I will probably split a meal with laney and spend a dollar on the movie (I can always rely on laney for a cheap outing! I love it) but the flip side is the nutrition aspect. I will maintain a strictly vegetable and salad lunch and hope that it isn't too bad tonight! As for right now, I am going to do some reading, listen to some Otis Redding (oh man, he is so my hero, always a classic to break out and make me happy) and do some exercise before I shower and get ready for a night with the girls.

Think lean. Think strong. Think vibrant energy. Never think "I just need to get through this day" ...instead think... "I love every minute of this day, today is never going to happen again, I just want to make the most of it."

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