Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Now really, why do I do it? That is haunted or something! I am fine, level headed and together - but put me in that cubicle around 2:30 - 3p.m. and I am thinking chocolate is the only way to survive. It is no surprise at all to me that I am sick right now. But that is okay.

I am currently reading a few books that I haven't sifted through before.. one is the liver cleansing diet by Dr. Sandra Cabot and the other is the seven pillars of health by Don Colbert, MD. Both seem pretty good but have a ways to go.

Let's talk just for a moment about Vitamin B6, shall we? This vitamin has many tasks to perform in your body. Colbert says that studies show a whopping 28 percent of women ages 19 years and older do not have an adequate intake of this vitamin. Some of the things in your body that are affected by B6 are enzymes involved in protein metabolism, red blood cell metabolism, the nervous and immune systems, increases oxygen carried to your tissues, and helps keep your blood sugar levels in normal range.

So where do you find B6? It can be found in fortified cereals, fish, poultry, red meat and some produce. The recommended intake for adults 19-50 yrs of age is 1.3 mg per day. I just checked my women's multivitamin and it says it has 25mg of b6...what the?? Something is off with these amounts so either there is a mispring in this book or something is weird.

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