Monday, December 8, 2008

The Sun Rises...The Sun Sets...

Dr. Chopra is one of my favorite authors on the topic of health. As I have explained in earlier posts, he writes quite a bit on the topic of Ayurveda. I have evaluated myself in the charts of Ayurveda, and to no surprise I am the kapha dosha which is the suckiest of all three doshas. In one of his chapters he discusses going through the cycles of each and every day. This is one of the things I think people just aren't conscious of. Everyone wants to think about tomorrow or next month, but rarely are our thoughts truly in the here and now. As he said, every day the sun rises and the sun sets, and inbetween that that are hundreds of things that happen. There are many cycles that occur within each of our amazing bodies. There are reasons why people tend to weigh more in the morning, or why the temperature in our hands is higher in early afternoon.

There are many cycles that occur, and of course it then makes sense that we can live more in tune with nature and with our bodies by paying attention to these daily patterns. The concept in the chapter is much too large to spawn a conversation about in my simplistic little blog...but I must say, I never cease to be amazed while learning more about how we all tick. And just think, I barely know anything! My stuffy-ness is lingering and it is a bit annoying. Yet I have nothing else at all wrong with me, just the congestion. If it weren't for my beloved netty pot, I would most certainly have a sinus infection by now. The thing is my best friend. So, I have been using it probably about 2 times per day. Let me tell ya, the other day I felt only slightly congested but figured it was just good due diligence to go ahead and run the netty pot through. Well, when I blew my nose afterward...amazing. I will not be gross and describe what I saw, but let's just say - WOW. I will leave it at that.

When I went to the ear, nose and throat doctor last year, he did an x ray of my sinuses and said there was no reason he could see that I was getting these chronic sinus infections - except that my nasal passages were fairly narrow. All he could suggest was the netty pot, which I had been dying to investigate anyway. I have been a happy girl ever since.

Today I packed a fairly healthy lunch. I made some quinoa last night so i had that with some steamed vegetables of green beans, peas, broccoli, cauliflour and carrots. Then for breakfast I had a rice cake and coffee, then for my afternoon snack I had some celery sticks with peanut butter. I have enough of these leftovers that I can pack the same thing for tomorrow. For dinner I just had some mrs grass chicken noodle soup, because honestly it just sounded like exactly what I wanted, and it actually isn't very high in fat but probably heavily processed and preserved, but whatcha gonna do, right?

So the articles I have to write tonight are the first ones that put me in a bit of a moral dilemma. I have to write "positive" articles and reviews on various HGH supplements. Ugh. I am not a fan. Basically, HGH stands for Human Growth hormone. This is a naturally occurring thing in your body already, but it gradually decreases after the age of 30. So the whole reason people want to take this, and they can get it injected, or get supplements that are slow release tablets or whatever, but the reason they take it is basically to fight the effects of aging which do happen as the HGH starts to decrease its stimulation.

Who am I to say this is wrong, I mean, people take it to keep all those youthful benefits - leaner muscle, less fat, better skin, sleep better, etc., etc. But I feel apprehensive about writing a positive review about these supplements. I think there is a lot of healing power and natural methods for all of those things through herbs and aroma therapy and various foods. I just innately do not feel compelled to say we should take an injection or a pill for a HGH. I am not the type of person that likes to do that sort of thing. I am sure some are better than others, but I don't like the fact that my articles tell me what stance to take on a subject instead of just give an objective, balanced look at it. I guess that just wouldn't sell the product, now would it? Well, anyway, I am going to do it and try to remain factual. This is why you shouldn't trust what you read on the internet sometimes - you really don't know who is writing the stuff....could be contractors like myself who are paid to be nameless and write what they are told!

Signing off for now. Stay warm and sleep well.

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